A Mike Toombs Company

man performing commercial cleaning

East Idaho Commercial Cleaning

COVID-19 is surging all over the country. We are heading into the heart of flu season. This brings even greater importance to Eastern Idaho and Jackson commercial cleaning for every business. During this time, it will be vital to keep your business as clean as possible. Both for the health and protection of your employees and for the health and protection of your clients and customers. We are here to help!

Commercial Cleaning Services is proud to announce that we are expanding our service area to include Rexburg, Pocatello, and, Blackfoot. We are bringing our 35+ years of experience to Eastern Idaho to help business owners keep their staff, customers, and community are as healthy and safe as possible. We’ve seen it all and we’ve cleaned it all. We offer an Options Maintenance Program that will work for any cleaning needs and budget. Keep reading to learn more about how we protect your business from COVID-19.

COVID-19 Disinfection Service In Eastern Idaho

COVID-19 Disinfection

We use the induction-charged electrostatic sprayer to give you the best possible COVID disinfection. Our disinfectants are EPA approved to eliminate the virus that causes COVID-19. We use this process for prevention and in any situation of a positive COVID case.

Man Using Electrostatic SprayerElectrostatic Disinfection is done by spraying an electrostatically charged mist onto the surface being cleaned. We use a unique solution that creates positively charged particles as it is combined with air and atomized inside of the sprayer. These particles will stick to any surface or object that needs to be disinfected.

This method is ideal for cleaning anything and everything. No matter if it is a flat surface or oddly-shaped. Just spray the solution and let it settle on the surface. That’s when the sanitizing agent starts performing its disinfection magic. There are several reasons why this is a better way to disinfect. Here’s why.

  • Faster and more efficient.
  • Better infection control.
  • Chemicals are not overused.
  • Prevention of sickness and spreading of illness allows your business to operate at full capacity.

When we do this for your business, we clean floors, walls, and all other surfaces extensively. We don’t just put in the work on high-traffic areas like some do. If you are looking for the elimination of dirt and especially germs — electrostatic disinfection is the way to go. Remember, we are here to help you help your employees, clients, and community stay healthy and safe! Here are some tips to help you keep your workspace clean.

How To Keep Your Office Clean

Commercial cleaning is the best way to make sure your business is as clean as possible. But there are some ways that you can contribute as well. This can help with preventing issues with COVID-19, the flu, and many other illnesses. The most important is to make sure that anyone who is sick stays at home. Even if they might not be sick, you’re better off letting them work from home or take a day off.

In addition, you will want to focus on cleaning and disinfecting the high-touch areas in your office. This would include doorknobs, light switches, etc. For an added measure of protection, wear gloves while cleaning these high-touch areas. Make sure to have hand sanitizer readily available for anyone who comes into the building. Keep disinfecting wipes on hand (if you are able to find them at the store) as well.

Janitorial Services In Idaho Falls

More Suggestions From The CDC

  • Ensure that the ventilation system is operating properly.
  • Increase the circulation of outdoor air (this becomes difficult during the cold winter) with fans if possible.
  • Conduct a thorough hazard assessment of your workplace to identify any potential risks for increased COVID-19 transmission.
  • Include all of your employees in communication plans.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to seats, furniture, and workstations to ensure six feet between employees where possible.
  • Install shields or physical barriers where possible to protect employees and visitors.
  • Use signs, tape, or other visual cues on the floor to guide visitors to the proper locations inside the building.
  • Reduce the number of community-use items, like coffee pots, with an alternative, like something that is prepackaged.
  • Have staff bring their own water to reduce the use of water fountains.
  • Make sure exhaust fans in the restroom facilities are functional and operating at full capacity.
  • Any employee who has symptoms while at work should be separated from others, given a mask, and sent home to follow-up with a doctor.
  • Do not ask employees to return to work until they meet the right criteria to leave home isolation.
  • You may consider implementing employee health checks. You will find more information here about how the CDC suggests doing that. At the very least, your staff can perform self-checks at home.
  • Staggering shifts, starting times, and break times, can reduce employee interaction in common areas.
  • Educate employees about hand-washing for at least 20 seconds.
  • Discourage actions like handshakes, hugs, and fist bumps.

The CDC also recommends that you clean and disinfect all surfaces frequently touched by multiple people on a daily basis. This includes, but not limited to, door handles, desks, light switches, faucets, toilets, workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, printer/copiers, and drinking fountains. You may need more frequent cleaning depending on the amount of use. And to do it with EPA-approved products.

Commercial Cleaning Services In Eastern Idaho

We know just how much work it is to clean and disinfect a business properly. We train our team for COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection. Let us take care of the cleaning so you can focus your efforts on providing your customers with the best experience possible. Contact our scheduler today and let’s get a plan in place for you.

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